Making Music Matter

We believe in the power of music. It speaks through our ears straight to our hearts. It creates context, amplifies our emotions adding an extra layer of Mayo meaning to whatever we experience. Through music we identify and connect. It is what makes us human after all. Music means the world to us. That’s why we want to make it matter and do whatever it takes to let your audience feel it, too.

Mayolove Music - Consulting


Still searching for the right concept, sound and production for your project? We love racking our brains about your music until we have helped you get your vision straight. We’re combining the mindset of the idealistic artist with that of a target-oriented service provider.

Mayolove Music - Advertising


Want to get heard? With Mayolove being a full service creative agency we know our way around 360° communication for artists and clients ranging from artworks, music videos, TV commercials, performance marketing and more – making sure your music finds the right audience.

Mayolove Music - Songwriting


Lacking the spark? We know what makes a good song and have been writing and co-writing music and lyrics (EN and DE) for our own projects, artists and clients. We’e familiar with a wide range of genres reaching from pop, rock, hip hop, electronic, ambience, folk, world and more.

We love…

Mayolove Music - Session Musician

Being Session Musicians

Need someone to play? We perform and record drums, guitar, piano, synths, brass, strings, vocals and more. We put a lot of effort into choosing the right instruments, (pre-)amps, microphones, rooms, samples and effects while featuring those playing and recording techniques that support your project best.
Mayolove Music - Production


Sounds great? We know about the significance of a splendid production. There is millions of relevant decisions to be made during the arrangement and production process. Armed with 40+ years of experience we keep up with future trends to make sure your music sounds as fly as it should.

Mayolove Music - Mixing & Mastering

Mixing & Mastering

Can’t cross the finish line? Your project is complete but you just can’t make it sound right? Don’t despair, we offer you our mixing and mastering services bringing the absolute best out of your tracks – always keeping in touch with your individual style and vision.

Mayolove Music - Studio Eschwege - Regie
Mayolove Music - Studio Eschwege - Drums
Mayolove Music - Studio Eschwege - Recording
Mayolove Music - Studio Munich - Regie
Mayolove Music - Studio Munich - Back
Mayolove Music - Studio Munich - Kinderzimmer

In our Studios

Mayolove Music - Martin Bartscher and Amir Sufi


Amir Sufi

With his background of working as a creative director and copywriter, Amir’s strong suit is ideation, storytelling, songwriting and creative music production. He is also working as a vocalist and multi-instrumentalist. You can find his own music on all relevant streaming platforms.

Martin Bartscher

Martin is a genuine perfectionist that brings everything to the table that your project can benefit from: His creative muscle when it comes to writing and arranging, decades of experience and know-how in mixing, recording and producing and exceptional skills as a multi-instrumentalist.

+ Team

Our extended team includes exceptional instrumentalists and vocalists from all different musical backgrounds – providing the perfect fit for every project and genre if needed.

Mayolove Music - Business Client - Audi
Mayolove Music - Business Client - Google
Mayolove Music - Business Client - BMW
Mayolove Music - Business Client - Oakley
Mayolove Music - Business Client - Triumph
Mayolove Music - Business Client - WMF
Mayolove Music - Business Client - K2
Mayolove Music - Business Client - P7S1

Been doing this for clients…

Mayolove Music - Business Client - FYVE
Mayolove Music - Business Client - prime Video
Mayolove Music - Business Client - Sloggi
Mayolove Music - Business Client - Sport1
Mayolove Music - Business Client - Philip Morris
Mayolove Music - Business Client - Vinzery
Mayolove Music - Business Client - deuter
Kloweskenner - Ein Teil von uns
Trashkids - Hardcoreona Punkdemie
Max von Milland - Bis Dir Olls Wieder Gfollt
Kamikaze Queens
Two Star Hotel
Amos - Imperator of Pop
SVS - Polyrhythmic #1
Pari Pari - Badaboum
Unsere Farben - Schwarz-Gelb

…and Artists.

Clemens M. Müller - Sinn des Lebens
Kegelklub - Move It
Bitune - Stay
Amos - Showtime
Anadol - Uzun Havalar
Sepalot - Fraud
SVS - 1
Wosimski - Could Be Anywhere
Amos - Showtime

…and many more!

Mayolove Music - Recording Amir Sufi
Mayolove Music - Recording Mic
Mayolove Music - Recording Sax
Mayolove Music - Recording Joshua Patron
Mayolove Music - Recording Drums
Mayolove Music - Monitor Speakers
Mayolove Music - Fender Rhodes Mark I
Mayolove Music - Martin Bartscher Komplete
Mayolove Music - Recording Standup Bass
Mayolove Music - Recording Flute
